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Which of these digital marketing mistakes are you making?
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Our research shows that the root cause of marketing failures in 80% of both new and developed businesses lies in not understanding their Client Persona. You’re already ahead of the game!
It’s never too late!
We suggest spending some time mapping out your Client Persona or Personas (Yes, you can have more than one! Ask us what the ideal number is!)
Fact: Our research shows that the root cause of marketing failures in 80% of both new and developed businesses lies in not understanding their buyer Persona. Don’t be left behind!
Persona’s Awareness Level
(how much they are aware of the fact that your product can help them solve their problems/challenges)?
Nice one!
Knowledge is power. Knowing it will determine if you need a complex funnel (one with lots of educational content and lead capture strategies) or if it’s enough to invest in a well-thought-out Adwords campaign and work on your SEO.
Great time to start thinking about this!
Your Persona Awareness Level will determine if you need a complex funnel (one with lots of educational content and lead capture strategies) or if it’s enough to invest in a well-thought-out Adwords campaign and work on your SEO

Nice, we’re impressed
If you know the kind of advertising messages your Persona is exposed to, you can design compelling content and ads!
Time to do this important step!
Start your research using simple tools like Similarweb.com, Semrush.com or Buzzsumo.com. If you know the kind of advertising messages your Persona is exposed to, you can design compelling content and ads!
Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
Whoa, great job!
Everything in your funnel should be consistent with your USP!
No worries, try this
Define your USP using this simple framework: We help (whom?) to (what problem are you solving?) by (how can you solve this problem?)! Everything in your funnel should be consistent with this statement!
Online Funnel Map
Quick Tip: An Online Funnel is the engineered journey you want your Persona to take from the first moment they interact with your brand online, to their first purchase, and consequent purchases. It should include the plan for your website flow, email marketing flow, software automation flow and ad flow.
Well done!
This is real nitty-gritty work and having it means you know marketing stuff pretty well!
Roll up your sleeves!
It’s time to get to work. Before you start your ads, content creation or email marketing, try to see your online marketing as one congruent process. Mapping it helps! You can use systems like Lucidchart.com or any other mind mapping software to map it out.
This is a big one! When you know this, it makes it easier to plan your budget, so you know how much to spend on your digital marketing activities like online advertising or content production.
Ok. This should be your priority.
We’d suggest you find out your LTV ASAP – you need this info to establish the cost per your customer acquisition so you can budget accordingly.
Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)
Great! Thanks to this knowledge you can now work more effectively with external digital marketing agencies.
Ok stop!
You better get clear on this before you hire an external traffic agency!
Wow! You’re a pro!
You are on track to making money online! Time to scale your spending!
Well this is pretty deep level marketing.
Not many businesses are here yet, so don’t worry. What’s important is that you monitor the relationship between your customer cost to your customer lifetime value.
Using Content
Quick tip: Content types include: videos, articles, infographics, webinars, images and free downloads like ebooks, reports or White Papers.
That means you’re really using the potential of digital marketing wonders.
Look into this!
Content is not only good for your brand building, but it can be easily turned into leads and clients if you know how to use it well.
Is it Strategic?
Your articles present your unique approach to solving your client’s problems and building the audience that later will be retargeted with a Webinar invitation.
That means you use content purposefully and are not burning money.
Reconsider it!
There is a high chance you are not maximizing the potential of your content and burning some serious cash.
Right now your Client Persona is more likely browsing Facebook or Instagram, than doing anything else online!
Time to look into it.
Right now your Client Persona is more likely browsing Facebook or Instagram, than doing anything else online!
Well done!
It is much easier optimize your funnel with this knowledge!
You're missing an essential
Tracking is essential to improving your numbers. Start with simple goals and events set up via Google Analytics.
Look into it!
Technology is a great help in making your digital marketing cheaper and more effective. There are several systems to choose from, depending on your needs.
Technology is a great helper in making your digital marketing cheaper and more effective.
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